Close the ReShade GUI and select the "Load" button and locate the.If its your first time go through the tutorial and hover over where is says something like "ReShade Preset ini" and has a + and a file icon and click on it and select "WitcherEnhancedEnhanced.ini" -I RECOMMEND YOU BIND THE TOGGLE EFFECT KEY TO THE SCROLL LOCK.Go into the game and press select the "Home" key on your keyboard (should be above the arrow keys).Install the engine either by using the Configuration or, if it doesn't appear in the list of games, follow these replied instructions.Select all checkboxes except "Legacy Effects" and continue (don't press skip).Select the radio button that says "Direct3D 9".As with similar action-RPG, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt focuses on narrative, making choices and interacting with NPCs.

Geralt possesses a witcher sense, which aids the player in locating valuables. Select "The Witcher (witcher.exe)" -MAKE SURE YOU DON'T SELECT "The Witcher (testapp.exe)" AS THEY HAVE THE SAME ICON AND NAME- Upon being killed, enemies can be looted for valuable items, which can be stored in the inventory or sold to the vendors.Run ReShade Setup and select "Click here to select a game and manage its ReShade installation".fpsc wherever you can find it and place the "WitcherEnhancedEnhanced.ini" in your Witcher System Folder in your Witcher Directory